Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Allan Chan | 23.2 |
Bill Cimperman | 16.2 |
Bob Herman | 18.5 |
Bob Ryan | 9.6 |
Charles Mykleby | 3.1 |
Christopher Toring | 21.7 |
Connor Herman | +2.7 |
Dale Petersen | 16.0 |
Daryl Caldwell | 12.7 |
Dave Christopherson | 6.1 |
Doug Berentson | 5.3 |
Doug Schoberg | 14.5 |
Gary Heitkamp | 4.2 |
James Olson | 9.9 |
Jim Pereda | 25.6 |
Jon Erickson | 5.0 |
Kevin Horvath | 6.2 |
Kyle Winberg | 8.2 |
Larry Winberg | 12.3 |
Mark Peterson | 7.8 |
Phil Geier | 19.0 |
Reed Herman | 44.8 |
Rob Rademacher | 16.1 |
Scott Hanka | 7.8 |
Todd Sarenpa | 7.4 |
Tom Mann | 14.9 |
Tom Milberry | 13.7 |